Monday, August 15, 2011

Time flies.

I came to Vancouver almost 1 year ago.  I have taken 3 sessions in the ELI, so this session is my third session.  I'm glad to finish my school life, but I'm also sad at the same time because I have to leave here as soon as I finish this session.

When I just came to the ELI, my writing level was just 300 levels in writing. Those days, I had been really struggling to write even one paragraph.  I haven't realized I could improve my writing skill even after I moved up to 400 levels, but now I finally figured out that my writing skill got better, compared to the first session.  In this writing class, I have learned a lot of important and interesting things.  Although I don't know whether I deserve 600 levels or not, I really enjoyed this class, and I got many things.

In addition, I'm happy to have seen my awesome classmates and teacher.  What Nathan gave us was always interesting, and he always helped us. (Some articles were little bit too difficult for me though.) Also, I really like my classmates.  They always have stimulated me, and I have learned a lot from them.

What I learned in this class is not only English, but history, Christianity, science, society, and lots of other things. I really appreciate it.
I'm sorry to be late very often...(but compared to last session, I got better!)

Thank you everyone!!
Let's stay in touch!
I'm gonna post my blog sometimes!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Summary of "The riddle of experience vs. memory"

Nowadays, a lot of people think about happiness.  Everybody tries to make people as happy as possible; however, in spite of many efforts, sometimes it's really hard. That's because of traps.    There are three main cognitive traps: a reluctance to admit complexity, a confusion between experience and memory, and the focusing illusion.  When people think about happiness, people don't refer to their experience but memory.  Even if a person had good time for long time, if he/she had bad feeling in the end, the whole memory changes to bad memory; eventually he/she can't feel happy.  We have both experiencing self and remembering self. The biggest difference is how to handle time.  As some examples show us, remembering self is much more important than experiencing self.  People shouldn't think about happiness as a substitute of well-being; because those ideas are completely different.

2001 A Space Odyssay

I have watched this movie before I watched it in a class.  When I watched it for the first time, I couldn't understand what happened in this movie at all.  Even now, the movie is still difficult for me; however, I try to interpret the movie.  Definitely, the monolith has a certain purpose.  First of all, the monolith gave human a technology which is enough for them to go to the moon.  After long time, finally people got to the moon and found the second monolith.  The purpose of second monolith is to lead people to the Jupiter.  After eight months, people got the technology enough to go there. And a person got to the Jupiter where is transcending time and space.  He traveled time; after that, I guess he was the only creature in the space.  He was chosen by monolith.  When he was about to die, he saw the last monolith and was reborn as a new human.  The will of monolith is the will of space, and the final purpose is to create new kind of life.  In addition, HAL is a symbol of the technology people achieved to get. I think the scene shows us the fact that technology would attack human if it were developed too much.