Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Victoria Trip

  I went to Victoria on last weekend.  Although I have been there once, then I couldn't visit Butchart Garden.  That's why I decided to go there with my friends at this time.  When I went to Victoria at the first time (with my girl friend), it was still winter.  I had expected we couldn't see flowers there, so I gave up to go there.
  So I was so excited to go to Butchart Garden. And as I expected before I went, It was so BEAUTIFUL!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes.  Also, it was really interesting for me, because one of my hobbies is to look up to flowers.  I saw plenty of flowers which I had never seen and wanted to see with my eyes!  I really enjoyed walking around there. However, at the same time, I felt little bit sad because I really wanted my girlfriend to see such beautiful flowers.  I hope we will come back to Butchart Garden again.  If you don't know how wonderful it is, I strongly recommend you to go there.    Although the garden costs high, it is worthy!!
  What I enjoyed is not only Butchart Garden but also several famous places in Victoria.  In particular, I love B.C. museum.  Compared to Vancouver museum, it is much more interesting.  As everyone knows, I'm really curious about creatures including those which have already been extinguished.  I was so excited that I took lots of pictures there.  Also, I saw night view in Victoria at the first time.  It was amazingly beautiful.
  I realized that Victoria is one of the most beautiful city in Canada.  Some people say that Victoria is as tedious as Vancouver; however, Victoria is very nice city, at least to visit!!


  1. I'm glad you went to the Butchart garden!! Although I've been there twice, I would like to go there again :)
    I agree that Victoria is one of the most beautiful cities to visit in Canada!! But I strongly recommend Quebec City!!!!

  2. I want to visit Victoria some day too! Thank you for recommending it:)

  3. I'm glad you had a chance to visit the Butchart Gardens, Chieu! I've never been there myself, but it's the first priority for me when I go to Victoria next. I also want to recommend Quebec City. Unlike Momoko, I've never been there, but it's supposed to be the most beautiful city in North America. I hope to go there, too, but travel in Canada is unfortunately expensive.
