Friday, July 1, 2011

Voynich Manuscript

  Today, I'm going to write about Voynich Manuscript, instead of my usual weekend.  Have you ever heard Voynich Manuscript?  It's one of the most interesting mystery in the world.  As you guys know, I have a lot of interests; especially, I'm really curious about something mysterious.  Voynich Manuscript always catches my heart and holds it.  It's special in numerous mysteries I have ever known.

  Voynich manuscript was found by Wilfrid Michael Voynich(1865-1930, Polish)  in Italy
 in 1912.  What is interesting about this manuscript is the fact that this manuscript is written in unknown language.  Voynich had tried to understand this language with many language experts; however, he couldn't succeed.  What he found out is only the fact that this manuscript was written in 15 centuries.  The language seems similar to European language, but it's definitely different from any other languages.  Some researchers claims that this language is kind of fake because this language hadn't been found in any other written materials.  In other words, this language is used in only Voynic manuscript.  So, some researchers believe that a genius created this language to confuse people.  It is still one of possible hypotheses.  However, most of linguists denied this hypothesis because the language seems like a language that some people actually had used in certain ages.  The linguists claims that they can figure out that the language is not fake by means of investigating how often same patterns show up in sentence, or sentence structures.
  What's more bizarre is the illustrations in the manuscript.  There are some familiar plants in those illustrations; however, most of them are something nobody knows.  Most of illustrations seem like plants, and some of them seem like animals, people, or space.   In particular, the illustrations which seem like space are really similar to galaxy, or Andromeda Nebula.  How come the author could draw the pictures of galaxy without astronomical telescopes?  It is obvious that people in 15 centuries didn't have astronomical telescope.  Therefore, some people claims that aliens wrote this manuscript. According to those people, the language and unfamiliar plants in illustrations are not something which had existed on earth.  This idea sounds absurd, but I like it.
  So many people, including many researchers, scholars, doctors, professional and amateur cryptographers, and American and British code-breakers from World War, have tried to decipher it, but nobody haven't succeeded yet.  Because it is open for everybody, we can see the whole pages of this manuscript through the internet.  If you succeed to decipher it, you may be able to get more than I million dollars!  Let's try to do it!!


  1. Oh..interesting. I've never heard about that before. I like something mysterious too.Btw, have you tried to decipher it?

  2. That's very interesting, Chieu! I had never heard of this manuscript before your post. Since Samuel Pepys' diary was decoded, there is some hope for this manuscript--though it seems much more difficult than Pepys' diary.
